Rosario Chines

Managing Web Designer

AKA “Chipper Chines

Can Bulldogs sing? This one can. The Brooklyn College Bulldog used to be the lead singer in a touring metal band. (He’s also a talented interactive designer!)

What do you enjoy most about your position at Spark451 and why?

Our department's ability to solve problems always amazes me. When we are faced with an ambitious task, I have the pleasure of collaborating with such brilliant (and fun!) colleagues who are just as interested in making sure we are providing the best possible solution and experience.

How did you choose your profession/why?

Believe it or not, I'm originally an Illustrator! In the later years of my education, I decided to merge my illustration skills with my nerdy computer hobbies—and voila! Digital Designer, at your service.

What is something most people don't know about you?

I speak Japanese and Italian! I was Anime-crazed in my youth, so naturally, I took Japanese classes in college—all while growing up with my Italian-speaking family. These days, I keep up with my Japanese using the Duolingo app! はじめまして!

What is one super power you'd want to possess and why?

The power of flight! I'm not a fan of flying in an airplane—and by not a fan of, I actually mean PLEASE GOD GET ME OUT OF HERE. While I've endured flights to Japan and Australia, I'd prefer to just fly there on my own, thanks.